· Hand-forged titanium dabber customized in a Katana sword shape, very light and easy to use.
· Glob father end. 12 cm long approx.
Although the 1961 unilateral treaty on narcotic drugs and affiliates does not censure the importation, possession and sale of hemp seeds, Medical Seeds S.L. is not responsible for the illegal use that others may make of seeds already germinated. Medical Seeds S. L. is not responsible for the illegal use that others may make of seeds already germinated.
In Spain the age of majority is set at 18 years, check your local legislation and respect it.
Warning! Germination of cannabis seeds is illegal in most countries. Seeds sold by Medicalseeds.net are sold exclusively as collectible souvenirs for adults to help preserve cannabis genetics for future generations.
Please do not ask questions about how to grow these seeds, as under current law it is illegal to grow them or encourage their growth by giving advice.
Any information on seed packaging, marketing material or websites is provided for educational and informational purposes only.
In no case it is intended to tolerate, promote or encourage the use of illegal or controlled substances.